No: 152, 21 June 2023, Press Release Regarding the High-Level Meeting on Syria held in Astana on 20-21 June 2023

Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 21.06.2023

The twentieth High-Level Meeting on Syria in Astana format was held on 20-21 June 2023 in Astana. Türkiye was represented at the meeting by a delegation led by Ambassador Burak Akçapar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

During the meeting, the situation on the ground and the fight against terrorism, regional developments, the political process, return of Syrians and matters of humanitarian assistance were discussed and a Joint Statement was issued at the end of the meeting as usual.

In the Joint Statement, the parties emphasized their strong commitment to the political unity and territorial integrity of Syria, and the leading role of the Astana Process in the peaceful settlement of the conflict in Syria. They also noted their determination to combat separatist agendas that threaten the national security of neighboring countries, including cross-border attacks and infiltrations.

The parties condemned increasing presence and attacks of terrorist organizations operating in Syria under different names and affiliations, and noted that so-called illegitimate "self-rule" initiatives being implemented under the pretext of fighting terrorism are unacceptable. They also condemned the violations of the separatist structure in the north east of Syria, and expressed their concern with the actions of the countries that support terrorist formations, including these initiatives. The parties highlighted the importance of the actual implementation of all arrangements related to the north of Syria and Idlib.

The parties confirmed their commitment to advancement of political solution process in the Syrian conflict in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254, and called for the next round of the Constitutional Committee to be held as soon as possible within this framework.

The parties expressed their concern about the worsening humanitarian situation following the earthquakes of 6 February, emphasized the importance of uninterrupted flow of humanitarian assistance to the whole of Syria and underlined the importance of continuation with increase of humanitarian aid based on the UN Security Council Resolution 2672 regarding cross-border mechanism.

The parties noted the necessity of creating necessary conditions within Syria to facilitate safe, voluntary, and dignified returns of Syrians to their country.

Within the margins of the meeting, bilateral meetings were also held with observer members of the Astana Process and UN agencies.


Monday - Friday

09:00 - 17:00

Personal Application to Consular Section: 09:00-12:30, Phone Application to Consular Section: 14:00-16:00Applicants who use public transportation for arriving at the Embassy can get off at the Olav Kyrres Plass bus-stop on Bygdoy Alle.
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